Constitution Download


The Executive Council of the South Asian Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (SAFOG) having gathered on the 10th day of March 2007 in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in keeping with the principles and goals of the SAFOG and to further strengthen the same, acting under Clause 9 of the SAFOG Charter, unanimously decided to repeal and replace the SAFOG Charter signed by the representatives of the SAFOG country organizations in Lahore. Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the 29th day of November 1996. The amended constitution reads as follows:


The Obstetricians & Gynaecologists of South Asia having gathered in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the 29th day of November 1996, constituted and formed themselves into a Federation known as the SOUTH ASIAN FEDERATION OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY (SAFOG)

ACKNOWLEDGING that the people in the South Asian Region have the right to life and reproductive health and to enjoy good health with dignity,

RECOGNISING the need to establish regional cooperation among Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of South Asia to improve the quality of life of people in the region,

CONVINCED that Obstetricians & Gynaecologists have a role to play in developing and building national and collective self-reliance of health resources in the South Asian Region, and

DEDICATED to uphold the objectives of the South Asian Federation of Obstetrics &Gynaecology (SAFOG).

For purposes of this constitution, South Asia shall include the following eight (8) countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan & Sri Lanka.

Whereas, Member Societies of SAFOG at present are Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan & Sri Lanka; now to represent South Asia it is expedient to include Afghanistan as a country of South Asia Region and a member of SAFOG.

The objectives of SAFOG shall be:

1.1 To bring together the obstetricians & gynaecologists within the region for closer operation and social understanding

1.2 To use and improve reproductive health as an instrument towards achieving social and health development.

1.3 To promote the exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge, skills and attitudes among obstetricians & gynaecologists in the region.

1.4 To promote and encourage advancement of the science and practice of obstetrics & gynaecology in the region.

1.5 To strengthen and facilitate postgraduate training of medical graduates in reproductive health.

1.6 To facilitate Continuing Professional Development of obstetricians & gynaecologists in the region.

1.7 To encourage and maintain research on reproductive health in the region relevant to the good health of people in the region.

1.8 To co-operate with other international and regional organizations concerned with improving reproductive health.

1.9 To strive to reach the goal of providing satisfactory reproductive health care for all the persons in the region and in particular provision of safe motherhood.

1.10 To enhance involvement of obstetricians & gynaecologists in the process of decision making in the health policies of the region.

2.1 There shall be established in each South Asian Country a Country Organization of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, the membership of which shall be open to all obstetricians & gynaecologists of that country.

2.2 In countries which have only one National Society/College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology such Society/College shall be the SAFOG Country Organization.

2.3 In countries where there are multiple societies of obstetricians & gynaecologists an Apex Body of all such societies shall be the SAFOG Country Organization for that country.

2.4 A Country Organization of Obstetrics & Gynaecology shall on application made to the Executive Council of SAFOG be affiliated to SAFOG provided it has formulated a constitution, the objectives of which are in conformity with the objectives of SAFOG.

2.5 A National Society/College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists from a country outside South Asia shall on an application made to the Executive Council of SAFOG be eligible to be affiliated to SAFOG as an Associate Member and enjoy all the privileges and benefits of membership of SAFOG other than voting rights provided it has formulated a constitution, the objectives of which are in conformity with the objectives of SAFOG.

2.6 No country shall be represented by more than one National Society/College at SAFOG.

2.7 No country shall be denied membership on philosophical, religious or political grounds.

The Headquarters shall be in Colombo, Sri Lanka

4.1a There shall be a Council of SAFOG. which shall consist of not less than eighteen (18) and not more than fifty (50) representatives, excluding past presidents. The Council shall consist as far as possible of representatives from each of the Member South Asian Countries. The number of representatives from each country excluding the office-bearers and the Committee Chairs, shall be not more than three (3), with only one vote per country.

4.1b There shall be an Executive Board of SAFOG comprising of only the Office-bearers to meet more frequently and attend to day-to-day business. The Executive Board will work for the objectives of SAFOG, and its decisions will need to be vetted by the Council.

The Council shall consist of:
  1. Office Bearers
  2. President
  3. Immediate Past President
  4. President Elect
  5. Three Vice Presidents
  6. Director International Relations
  7. Secretary General
  8. Deputy Secretary General
  9. Treasurer
  10. Editor
  11. Assistant Secretary General
  12. Country Representatives who shall be referred to as Council Members with only one vote per country.
  13. Past Presidents
  14. Chairpersons of all Committees (non-voting)
  15. Chairperson Education Committee
  16. Chairperson Research Committee
  17. Chairperson WSRR
  18. Chairperson Maternal and Perinatal Health Committee
  19. Chairperson Imaging Committee
  20. Chairperson Endoscopy Committee
  21. Chairperson NCD Committee
  22. Chairperson Reproductive Endocrinology & Endometriosis Committee
  23. Chairperson Oncology Committee
  24. Chairperson Guidelines Development Committee

4.3 The President Elect shall be the President of the next Council. The Presidency shall be rotated amongst the member countries

4.4 Each member of the Council shall hold office for a period of two years (one year, effective from 2027) and shall be eligible for re-election in the same capacity for a maximum of three (3) terms except the President and President elect. Re-election of a member to the same office for more than three (3) terms could be done only under exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Council.

4.5 In the event of any member of the Council vacating his office or expiring prior to the end of his term of office, the Council shall fill such a vacancy in consultation with the relevant SAFOG Country Organization.

4.6 The Council shall elect the Office Bearers from among its members.

4.7 At no time shall a Member Country have more than three (3) representatives as Office Bearers.

4.8.1 The Secretary General of SAFOG shall write to all the SAFOG Country Organizations requesting nominations for Country Representatives (Council Members) three (3) months prior to the Council Meeting scheduled with a Congress

4.8.2 Each SAFOG Country Organization should submit nominations no later than three (3) weeks prior to the Council Meeting scheduled with a Congress. Each Country Organization shall be entitled to nominate not more than five (5) Countries Representatives (Council Members) for the Council.

4.8.3 At least two (2) of those nominated should have served at least one (1) term previously in the Council. At least one (1) of those nominated should have not been a Council Member earlier

4.8.4 The names of the Country Representatives nominated by the respective SAFOG Country Organizations shall be tabled at the last Council Meeting chaired by the outgoing President

4.9 In the event of the required minimum number of persons not being nominated to the Council, the nominated persons, in consultation with the outgoing members of the previous Council, shall appoint such additional number of members as may be necessary to constitute the Council so that the Council shall at all times have a minimum of eighteen (18) members

4.10 To be an Office Bearer, a person should have served at least one (1) term previously as a Council Member.

4.11. The names of Office Bearers shall be proposed and seconded at the first Council Meeting chaired by the new President, and they shall be thus elected. The council shall have the right to propose the name of a person who is not a country representative, to be an office bearer, provided such person has given his written consent to be an Office Bearer. In the event of more than one name being proposed for any post of an Office Bearer, a secret ballot shall be conducted by the new President at the Council Meeting attended by the new Council Members eligible to vote. In the event of a tie in the votes cast, the President shall cast the deciding vote.

4.12. The President, President Elect and each of the three Vice Presidents shall be from different countries.

4.13. The Treasurer shall be elected from the country where the SAFOG bank accounts are maintained. The Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General shall be elected from different countries.

4.14. The Assistant Secretary General shall be from the country of the President.

The Council shall have the powers:

5.1 To determine such matters as are required for the provisions hereof and to do all such other things as are necessary to further the objectives of SAFOCG and to ensure the effective and efficient functioning of the administrative machinery of SAFOG.

5.2 To entertain, process and accept or reject an application for membership.

5.3 To decide on the venue and content of all meetings of an academic and administrative nature affiliated to SAFOG, in consultation with the country organization.

5.4 To accept grants and donations and pay and disburse such funds in pursuance of the objectives of the SAFOG

5.5 To accept gifts, subscriptions, movable or immovable property subject to or without any conditions, restrictions or trust for the purpose of the SAFOG.

5.6 To invest and deal with any money of the SAFOG not immediately required for the purposes of the SAFOG upon such securities and in such manner as they may deem fit.

5.7 To appoint Committees and Sub Committees as and when necessary. A SAFOG Country Organization may nominate one (1) of its members together with detailed curriculum vitae to be the chairperson of any Committee or Sub Committee. The Chairperson for the Committee or Sub Committee shall be selected by the Council from these names submitted. The Chairperson of such a committee shall be co-opted as a nonvoting member of the council for the tenure of the appointment.

5.8 To delegate subject to such conditions as it thinks fit, any of its powers to specific Committees and Sub Committees.

5.9 To coordinate SAFOG activities in the region through the respective Council Members & Office Bearers.

6.1 The President of SAFOG shall chair all Meetings of the Council.

6.2 In the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents and in the absence of all of them the President-elect shall preside.

6.3 The President or Chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

6.4 The President and the Secretary General shall be ex-officio members of all Special Committees of the SAFOG.

6.5 One of the Vice Presidents shall represent the President at scientific meetings or workshops if the President is unable to attend.

6.6 The Vice Presidents shall be advisors to Committees of SAFOG.

6.7 The Secretary General shall be responsible for the records of the SAFOG and for the day-to-day affairs in consultation with the President.

6.8 The records of the SAFOG shall be housed in the Secretariat. The Secretariat shall be in the country of the Secretary General.

6.9 The Secretary General in consultation with the President shall be responsible for drawing up the Agenda of all Council Meetings and for recording the minutes.

6.10 The Secretary General and the Chairperson of the meeting shall sign the Minutes of the meetings after confirmation.

6.11 The Deputy Secretary General shall keep a close contact with the President and the Secretary General. In the absence of the Secretary General at the Council Meetings, he/she shall undertake the functions of the Secretary General.

6.12 The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters of the SAFOG.

6.13 The Treasurer shall circulate an audited and certified statement of all accounts of the SAFOG to the SAFOG Country Organizations annually and at least one (1) month prior to the next Council Meeting.

6.14 The Treasurer shall be the signatory of cheques together with any one (I) of the following Office Bearers as decided by the Council: President, Vice President, Secretary General or President- Elect.

6.15 The Editor shall be responsible for all matters relating to the editing and publication of the Journal.

6.16 The Editor shall be empowered to obtain funds for this purpose, with the approval of the council.

6.17 The Editor shall submit an audited Financial Report to the Council annually.

6.18 The Editor shall be empowered to co-opt members of the SAFOG to assist him/her with his/her duties.

7.1 Every Member Organization of SAFOG shall pay an annual subscription of such an amount and in such manner as may be determined by the Executive Council of SAFOG.

7.2 The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December of each year.

7.3 Any member organization in arrears for a period of three years shall be liable to l

8.1 The Council shall meet as often as is considered necessary but at least once every year.

8.2 The agenda for the Council Meeting will be drawn up by the Secretary General in consultation with the President. At the request of members individual items may be included in the agenda.

8.3 The agenda with the reports of the President. Secretary General, Treasurer, Editor and the Chairpersons of the Committees will be circulated to the members of the Council at least one month prior to the Council Meeting.

8.4 The quorum of any Council Meeting shall be 30% of the Council and a minimum of three (3) countries should be represented.

8.5 The procedures to be followed at the meetings of the Council and any other meeting shall be in accordance with such rules as are formulated by the Council.

9.1 The venue of the congress shall be decided at least two years prior to the congress. The venue of the congress shall rotate among the member countries. The venue will be decided by the Council by a simple majority.

9.2 The SAFOG Country Organization hosting the congress shall be entrusted with the entire organization of the Congress in consultation with the SAFOG Council.

9.3 The main Scientific Meeting and Pre & Post Congress Meetings will be planned by the Scientific Programme Committee appointed by the Council in consultation with the Scientific Programme Committee of the SAFOG Country Organization.

9.4 The Scientific Programme Committee of the SAFOG shall be appointed by the Council and will comprise of the following:

  1. Chairperson
  2. Representative of the local organizing committee
  3. Editor
  4. Co-opted members in consultation with the President

9.5 The format of the Scientific Programme should be submitted to the Council at least one year before the congress.

9.6 The SAFOG Country Organization hosting the Congress shall pay the SAFOG 25% of the Registration Fee collected from the participants and 10% of the money collected from the Exhibitors, within twelve (12) months of having the congress.

9.7 Audited accounts of the Congress should be submitted to the Council within twelve (12) months of holding the Congress.

An Auditor shall be appointed by the Council in consultation with the Treasurer.

11.1 The SAFOG Council shall nominate one
(1) member from each SAFOG Country Organization to serve on the Board of Trustees. Members nominated thus should have served in the SAFOG Council for at least two (2) terms.

11.2 There shall be not more than seven (7) and not less than three (3) Trustees.

11.3 Every member of the Board of Trustees shall hold office for a period of four (4) years and shall be eligible for re-nomination for another term.

11.4 The President and the Secretary General will co-ordinate between the Council and the Board of Trustees.

12.1 The property and assets of SAFOG shall be vested in the Board of Trustees.

12.2 The Board of Trustees shall hold the property and assets for the benefit of SAFOG.

12.3 The funds of SAFOG shall be deposited in such account or accounts to be maintained at such Bank, Banks or other Institutions as may be determined by the Council.

12.4 In case of dissolution of the SAFOG, the property, assets and any money held by the Trustees for the benefit of the SAFOG and not expended or utilized for the benefit of SAFOG shall be returned and distributed by the trustees to the SAFOG Country Organizations by the transfer to each organization such share of such property and/or assets and/or payment of money to each organization as is proportionate to the contributions made by that organization by way of subscription or otherwise after settling off all debts and dues of the SAFOG. The Trustees may at their discretion sell or otherwise dispose of any such property or money to the SAFOG Country Organizations in terms of this clause.

13.1 Notice for amendments shall be submitted to the Council by a Council member or a SAFOG Country Organization not less than three (3) months prior to a scheduled Council Meeting.

13.2 This constitution may be amended by the decision of the Council with a majority of not less than two thirds of the Council Members present and voting and at least four (4) member countries represented.

14.1 The SAFOG may be dissolved by the decision of the Council with a majority of not less than three fourths of the Council Members present and voting and at least five (5) member countries represented.

The SAFOG Charter is hereby replaced.

The Executive Council of the SAFOG having gathered in Colombo Sri Lanka, on the 28th day of June 2008, acting under Clause 9 of the SAFOG Charter unanimously decided to repeal and replace the SAFOG Charter adopted on the 29th day of November 1996 in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and adopted the aforesaid constitution.

Under the, authority of the SAFOG Executive Council.

Farrukh Zaman

President SAFOG

Dr. Shyam Desai

Secretary General, SAFOG

The Executive Council of the SAFOG having gathered virtually on the 7th day of August 2021, acting under Article 13, unanimously adopted the amendments and incorporated them in the Constitution of SAFOG.

Under the, authority of the SAFOG Executive Council.

Prof. Ferdousi Begum

President SAFOG

Prof. Yousaf Latif Khan

Secretary General, SAFOG